Garden Tips for March

Starting your own seeds gives you the flexibility to choose the varieties of vegetable and herbs you would like to grow, in comparison to what’s available at your local nursery. You can directly sow peas, corn, beans and squash into the garden. It is best to start tomatoes, eggplants and peppers indoors and then transplant seedlings when they are developed and sturdy. Check out the information provided on the seed pack for recommended timing and conditions.

Control weeds now while they are small and before they have gone to seed. It’s also easier to remove the entire root by hoeing or hand pulling while the soil is moist.

Control Slugs & Snail by removing their hiding places (damp leaf piles, under boards, dense plants that touch the ground). Hand pick them early in the day or late in the evening. You can squish them in place, drop them in soapy water, or throw them in the trash. You can provide them a “one way” watering hole by filling small containers with beer, or apply an iron phosphate product. Baits that contain metaldehyde are unsafe for children and pets.

Apply fixed copper spray to apples, pears and loquats if fireblight has been a problem in the past.

Control Aphids by removing them from infected trees and shrubs with a strong water blast from the hose. Ladybird beetles (ladybugs) do an excellent job of controlling aphid populations. Plant white alyssum to invite ladybugs into your garden.

Apply dormant spray to deciduous trees and shrubs to control aphids, scale or whiteflies.

Apply tri-basic copper sulfate or lime sulfur to your peach trees if they have been affected by peach leaf curl.

Clean up fallen leaves and debris, and add them to your compost pile if they are not diseased.

For our complete list of March’s Gardening Tips, click on: