October is Energy Awareness Month

October is Energy Awareness Month. Below are some easy, energy saving tips:

Set and use your programmable thermostats! Over 70% of US homeowners don’t set them! During the winter, set heat at 70° or below, and during the summer, raise the temperature to 78°or higher. If you are going on vacation, use the over-ride option to set heat at 62° (winter) and 85° (summer).

Unplug any unused refrigerators or other appliances to save hundreds of $$$ per year.

Reset your fridge thermostat to 38° and the freezer to 0-5°, just a 10° shift can save you 25% per year on your electric bill.

Resetting your water heater to 120° or to the “warm” or “hot” setting versus the “hotter” setting will save you 5-10% on your electric bill.